설명 없음

poesty 953e39f0ad fix 10 달 전
.github ebc17da8cf chore: Add dependabot script 1 년 전
classes b545944e71 chore(git): Unignore classes directory 1 년 전
resources 728b0993f5 feat(frontend): refine video player and tweak sources 10 달 전
src 953e39f0ad fix 10 달 전
.dir-locals.el fc1e06a1a9 chore: fix evaluation of cider middlewares in dir-locals 1 년 전
.dockerignore c7dafc936b feat: Add Docker scripts 1 년 전
.gitignore 915bf97f46 chore: Ignore target directory 1 년 전
Dockerfile 1d0bd6b8e9 feat: Add missing aot compilation in Dockerfile 1 년 전
LICENSE 916ba00f83 chore: Add license 1 년 전
README c5ecb74930 chore: update docs 1 년 전
README.md c5ecb74930 chore: update docs 1 년 전
build.clj cc7d14514c feat: Add tools.build script 1 년 전
deps.edn 0541d91855 try to migrate 10 달 전
docker-compose.yml f384d197fd chore: Refine docker-compose 1 년 전
manifest.scm 80bb68bcad chore(guix): Add manifest 1 년 전
package-lock.json 728b0993f5 feat(frontend): refine video player and tweak sources 10 달 전
package.json 728b0993f5 feat(frontend): refine video player and tweak sources 10 달 전
postcss.config.js b2c3fecbd1 chore: Add PostCSS configuration 1 년 전
shadow-cljs.edn 81f03c0b44 chore: Rename project 1 년 전
tailwind.config.js 50a5c82aaf chore: add typographies and tweak screen sizes 10 달 전
webpack.config.js 0138806bd8 chore: add favicon 1 년 전


# -*- mode: org; org-html-head-include-default-style: nil; org-html-postamble: nil; after-save-hook: org-md-export-to-markdown; -*-
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
* Tubo
Tubo is a streaming front-end focused on bringing the [[https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe][NewPipe]] experience to the web. It aims at providing a clean and simple user interface to consume media from your favorite streaming platforms. It currently supports the same services as NewPipe, including YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, and more.

To retrieve the data, it wraps the excellent [[https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor][NewPipe Extractor]] library and it exposes the extracted data over a REST API that is consumed by a local re-frame SPA.

** Features
- [X] No ads
- [X] Audio player
- [X] Media queue
- [ ] Playlists
- [X] Local settings
- [ ] Local subscriptions
- [ ] User management

** Instances
| URL | Country |
| https://tubo.migalmoreno.com (Official) | 🇪🇸 |

If you consider self-hosting Tubo let me know about your instance via the [[*Contributing][contribution methods]]. See [[*Installation][installation]] for ways to set up Tubo in your server.

** Installation
*** Packaging
**** Uberjar
To bundle the whole project into a self-contained uber-jar you need to follow these build steps:

#+begin_src sh
npm i
npm run build
clojure -T:frontend:build uberjar

After the last command is completed, you'll get a path to the uber-jar, which you can run like this:

#+begin_src sh
java -jar target/tubo-.jar

**** Docker
Alternatively, you can use Docker to set up Tubo. Simply invoke this:

#+begin_src sh
docker-compose up -d

**** Manual
You can also set up Tubo manually via the [[https://guix.gnu.org/][GNU Guix]] package manager. First, download the necessary tooling:

#+begin_src sh
cd /path/to/tubo
guix shell

Then, compile the downloader ahead-of-time:

#+begin_src sh
clojure -M -e "(compile 'tubo.downloader-impl)"

Fetch the front-end dependencies and build the front-end assets.

#+begin_src sh
npm i
npm run build

Finally, compile the front-end.

#+begin_src sh
clojure -M:frontend release tubo

You can now start a local server that listens on port 3000 by running this:

#+begin_src sh
clojure -M:run

Access the front-end in your browser at =http://localhost:3000=.

*** Reverse Proxy
If you want to self-host Tubo and make it publicly accessible you'll need to set up a reverse proxy.

**** Nginx

#+begin_src nginx
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
server_name tubo.;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/tubo./fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/tubo./privkey.pem;

location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header HOST $http_host;

** Screenshots
| Kiosk | Channel | Stream |
| [[https://files.migalmoreno.com/tubo_kiosk.jpg]] | [[https://files.migalmoreno.com/tubo_channel.jpg]] | [[https://files.migalmoreno.com/tubo_stream.jpg]] |

** Contributing
Feel free to open an issue with bug reports or feature requests. PRs are more than welcome too.