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refactor: use only route function

Zubarev Grigoriy 7 months ago
1 changed files with 14 additions and 22 deletions
  1. 14 22

+ 14 - 22

@@ -6,16 +6,22 @@ import requests
 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
 from flask import Flask, redirect, render_template, request
+app = Flask(__name__, template_folder="templates", static_folder="static")
+@app.route("/", defaults={"path": ""})
+def catch_all(path):
+    path_without_host = re.sub(r"https?://[^/]+/", "", request.url)
+    url = f"{path_without_host}"
-def scrape(url):
     data = requests.get(url, timeout=10)
-    path = re.sub(r".*://.*/", "/", data.url)
     if data.history:
-        return f"REDIRECT {path}"
-    ret = []
-    soup = BeautifulSoup(data.text, "html.parser")
+        return redirect(re.sub(r"https?://[^/]+", "", data.url), 302)
+    res = []
+    soup = BeautifulSoup(data.text, "html.parser")
     defs = [(div, div.get("data-defid")) for div in soup.find_all("div") if div.get("data-defid")]
         thumbs_data = {
@@ -38,24 +44,10 @@ def scrape(url):
         contributor = definition.find(attrs={"class": ["contributor font-bold"]})
         thumbs_up = thumbs_data.get(defid, {}).get("up")
         thumbs_down = thumbs_data.get(defid, {}).get("down")
-        ret.append([defid, word, meaning, example, contributor, thumbs_up, thumbs_down])
-    pages = soup.find(attrs={"class": ["pagination text-xl text-center"]})
-    if pages is None:
-        pages = ""
-    return ret, pages
+        res.append([defid, word, meaning, example, contributor, thumbs_up, thumbs_down])
+    pagination = soup.find(attrs={"class": ["pagination text-xl text-center"]}) or ""
-app = Flask(__name__, template_folder="templates", static_folder="static")
-@app.route("/", defaults={"path": ""})
-def catch_all(path):
-    path_without_host = re.sub(r"https?://[^/]+/", "", request.url)
-    scraped = scrape(f"{path_without_host}")
-    if isinstance(scraped, str) and scraped.startswith("REDIRECT"):
-        return redirect(scraped.replace("REDIRECT ", ""), 302)
-    return render_template("index.html", data=scraped, term=request.args.get("term"))
+    return render_template("index.html", data=(res, pagination), term=request.args.get("term"))
 if __name__ == "__main__":