entrypoint.sh 516 B

  1. cd /etc/nginx/http.d;
  2. export CRT="${CRT:=nginx-selfsigned.crt}";
  3. if [ -f "/etc/ssl/certs/$CRT" ]
  4. then
  5. # set crt file in the default.conf file
  6. sed -i "/ssl_certificate \//c\\\tssl_certificate \/etc\/ssl\/certs\/$CRT;" default.conf;
  7. fi
  8. export KEY="${KEY:=nginx-selfsigned.key}";
  9. if [ -f "/etc/ssl/private/$KEY" ]
  10. then
  11. # set key file in the default.conf file
  12. sed -i "/ssl_certificate_key \//c\\\tssl_certificate_key \/etc\/ssl\/private\/$KEY;" default.conf;
  13. fi
  14. nginx -g 'daemon off;'; nginx -s reload;