package pub import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "servitor/ansi" "servitor/client" "servitor/mime" "servitor/object" "servitor/style" "net/url" "strings" "time" ) type Actor struct { kind string name string nameErr error handle string handleErr error id *url.URL bio object.Markup bioLinks []string bioErr error joined time.Time joinedErr error pfp *Link pfpErr error banner *Link bannerErr error posts *Collection postsErr error } func NewActor(input any, source *url.URL) (*Actor, error) { o, id, err := client.FetchUnknown(input, source) if err != nil { return nil, err } return NewActorFromObject(o, id) } func NewActorFromObject(o object.Object, id *url.URL) (*Actor, error) { a := &Actor{} = id var err error if a.kind, err = o.GetString("type"); err != nil { return nil, err } if !slices.Contains([]string{ "Application", "Group", "Organization", "Person", "Service", }, a.kind) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s is not an Actor", ErrWrongType, a.kind) }, a.nameErr = o.GetString("name") a.handle, a.handleErr = o.GetString("preferredUsername"), a.bioLinks, a.bioErr = o.GetMarkup("summary", "mediaType") a.joined, a.joinedErr = o.GetTime("published") a.pfp, a.pfpErr = getBestLink(o, "icon", "image") a.banner, a.bannerErr = getBestLink(o, "image", "image") a.posts, a.postsErr = getCollection(o, "outbox",, func(input any, source *url.URL) Tangible { activity, err := NewActivity(input, source) if err != nil { return NewFailure(err) } if id == nil { return NewFailure(errors.New("activity was performed by a different actor (this actor has no identifier)")) } if activity.ActorIdentifier() == nil || activity.ActorIdentifier().String() != id.String() { return NewFailure(errors.New("activity was performed by a different actor")) } return activity }) return a, nil } func (a *Actor) Parents(quantity uint) ([]Tangible, Tangible) { return []Tangible{}, nil } func (a *Actor) Children() Container { /* the if is necessary because my understanding is the first nil is a (*Collection)(nil) whereas the second is (Container)(nil) */ if a.posts == nil { return nil } else { return a.posts } } func (a *Actor) Name() string { var output string if a.nameErr == nil { output = } else if !errors.Is(a.nameErr, object.ErrKeyNotPresent) { output = style.Problem(a.nameErr) } if != nil && !errors.Is(a.handleErr, object.ErrKeyNotPresent) { if output != "" { output += " " } if a.handleErr != nil { output += style.Problem(a.handleErr) } else { output += style.Italic("@" + a.handle + "@" + } } if a.kind != "Person" { if output != "" { output += " " } output += "(" + strings.ToLower(a.kind) + ")" } else if output == "" { output = strings.ToLower(a.kind) } return style.Color(output) } func (a *Actor) header(width int) string { output := a.Name() if errors.Is(a.joinedErr, object.ErrKeyNotPresent) { // omit it } else if a.joinedErr != nil { output += "\njoined " + style.Problem(a.joinedErr) } else { output += "\njoined " + style.Color(a.joined.Format("2 Jan 2006")) } return ansi.Wrap(output, width) } func (a *Actor) center(width int) (string, bool) { if errors.Is(a.bioErr, object.ErrKeyNotPresent) { return "", false } if a.bioErr != nil { return ansi.Wrap(style.Problem(a.bioErr), width), true } rendered := return rendered, true } func (a *Actor) footer(width int) (string, bool) { if a.postsErr != nil { return style.Problem(a.postsErr), true } else if quantity, err := a.posts.Size(); errors.Is(err, object.ErrKeyNotPresent) { return "", false } else if err != nil { return style.Problem(err), true } else if quantity == 1 { return style.Color(fmt.Sprintf("%d post", quantity)), true } else { return style.Color(fmt.Sprintf("%d posts", quantity)), true } } func (a *Actor) String(width int) string { output := a.header(width) body, bodyPresent := - 4) if bodyPresent { output += "\n\n" + ansi.Indent(body, " ", true) } if footer, present := a.footer(width); present { if bodyPresent { output += "\n" } output += "\n" + footer } return output } func (a *Actor) Preview(width int) string { output := a.header(width) if body, present :=; present { output += "\n" + ansi.Snip(body, width, 4, style.Color("\u2026")) } if footer, present := a.footer(width); present { output += "\n" + footer } return output } func (a *Actor) Timestamp() time.Time { if a.joinedErr != nil { return time.Time{} } else { return a.joined } } func (a *Actor) Identifier() *url.URL { return } func (a *Actor) Banner() (string, *mime.MediaType, bool) { if a.bannerErr != nil { return "", nil, false } return a.banner.SelectWithDefaultMediaType(mime.UnknownSubtype("image")) } func (a *Actor) ProfilePic() (string, *mime.MediaType, bool) { if a.pfpErr != nil { return "", nil, false } return a.pfp.SelectWithDefaultMediaType(mime.UnknownSubtype("image")) } func (a *Actor) SelectLink(input int) (string, *mime.MediaType, bool) { input -= 1 if len(a.bioLinks) <= input { return "", nil, false } return a.bioLinks[input], mime.Unknown(), true }