cy.json 3.7 KB

  1. {
  2. "Audio Player":"Chwaraewr sain",
  3. "Video Player":"Chwaraewr fideo",
  4. "Play":"Chwarae",
  5. "Pause":"Oedi",
  6. "Replay":"Ailchwarae",
  7. "Current Time":"Amser Cyfredol",
  8. "Duration":"Parhad",
  9. "Remaining Time":"Amser ar ôl",
  10. "Stream Type":"Math o Ffrwd",
  11. "LIVE":"YN FYW",
  12. "Loaded":"Llwythwyd",
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  15. "progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}":"{1} o {2}",
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  18. "Mute":"Pylu",
  19. "Unmute":"Dad-bylu",
  20. "Playback Rate":"Cyfradd Chwarae",
  21. "Subtitles":"Isdeitlau",
  22. "subtitles off":"Isdeitlau i ffwrdd",
  23. "Captions":"Capsiynau",
  24. "captions off":"Capsiynau i ffwrdd",
  25. "Chapters":"Penodau",
  26. "Descriptions":"Disgrifiadau",
  27. "descriptions off":"disgrifiadau i ffwrdd",
  28. "Audio Track":"Trac Sain",
  29. "Volume Level":"Lefel Sain",
  30. "You aborted the media playback":"Atalwyd y fideo gennych",
  31. "A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.":"Mae gwall rhwydwaith wedi achosi methiant lawrlwytho.",
  32. "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.":"Ni lwythodd y fideo, oherwydd methiant gweinydd neu rwydwaith, neu achos nid yw'r system yn cefnogi'r fformat.",
  33. "The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.":"Atalwyd y fideo oherwydd problem llygredd data neu oherwydd nid yw'ch porwr yn cefnogi nodweddion penodol o'r fideo.",
  34. "No compatible source was found for this media.":"Nid oedd modd canfod ffynhonnell cytûn am y fideo hwn.",
  35. "The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.":"Mae'r fideo wedi ei amgryptio ac nid oes allweddion gennym.",
  36. "Play Video":"Chwarae Fideo",
  37. "Close":"Cau",
  38. "Close Modal Dialog":"Cau Blwch Deialog Moddol",
  39. "Modal Window":"Ffenestr Foddol",
  40. "This is a modal window":"Mae hon yn ffenestr foddol",
  41. "This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.":"Gallech chi gau'r ffenestr foddol hon trwy wasgu Escape neu glicio'r botwm cau.",
  42. ", opens captions settings dialog":", yn agor gosodiadau capsiynau",
  43. ", opens subtitles settings dialog":", yn agor gosodiadau isdeitlau",
  44. ", opens descriptions settings dialog":", yn agor gosodiadau disgrifiadau",
  45. ", selected":", detholwyd",
  46. "captions settings":"gosodiadau capsiynau",
  47. "subtitles settings":"gosodiadau isdeitlau",
  48. "descriptions settings":"gosodiadau disgrifiadau",
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  77. "Small Caps":"Prif Lythyrennau Bychain",
  78. "Reset":"Ailosod",
  79. "restore all settings to the default values":"Adfer yr holl osodiadau diofyn",
  80. "Done":"Gorffenwyd",
  81. "Caption Settings Dialog":"Blwch Gosodiadau Capsiynau",
  82. "Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.":"Dechrau ffenestr deialog. Bydd Escape yn canslo a chau'r ffenestr.",
  83. "End of dialog window.":"Diwedd ffenestr deialog.",
  84. "{1} is loading.": "{1} yn llwytho."
  85. }