{ "Audio Player": "Audio jogailua", "Video Player": "Bideo jogailua", "Play": "Hasi", "Pause": "Gelditu", "Replay": "Berriz hasi", "Current Time": "Uneko denbora", "Duration": "Iraupena", "Remaining Time": "Gelditzen den denbora", "Stream Type": "Jario mota", "LIVE": "ZUZENEAN", "Seek to live, currently behind live": "Zuzenekora joan, orain zuzenekoaren atzetik", "Seek to live, currently playing live": "Zuzenekora joan, orain zuzenean ari da", "Loaded": "Kargatuta", "Progress": "Aurrerapena", "Progress Bar": "Aurrerapen barra", "progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} / {2}", "Fullscreen": "Pantaila osoa", "Non-Fullscreen": "Irten pantaila osotik", "Mute": "Ixildu", "Unmute": "Soinua jarri", "Playback Rate": "Abiadura", "Subtitles": "Azpitituluak", "subtitles off": "azpitituluak kenduta", "Captions": "Oharrak", "captions off": "oharrak kenduta", "Chapters": "Kapituluak", "Descriptions": "Deskribapenak", "descriptions off": "deskribapenak kenduta", "Audio Track": "Audio pista", "Volume Level": "Bolumen maila", "You aborted the media playback": "Bertan behera utzi duzu", "A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.": "Sare errore batek deskargak huts egitea eragin du.", "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.": "Media ezin izan da kargatu, zerbitzariak edo sareak huts egin duelako edo formatu horretako media erabili ezin delako.", "The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.": "Bertan behera gelditu da fitxategia ondo ez dagoelako edo zure nabigatzailean erabili ezin diren ezaugarriak dituelako.", "No compatible source was found for this media.": "Ez dago media honentzako iturburu bateragarririk.", "The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.": "Media zifratuta dago eta ez ditugu beharrezko gakoak.", "Play Video": "Bideoa hasi", "Close": "Itxi", "Close Modal Dialog": "Leihoa itxi", "Modal Window": "Leihoa", "This is a modal window": "Hau leiho modal bat da", "This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.": "Leiho modal hau zure teklatuko Escape tekla sakatuz edo ixteko botoia sakatuz itxi daiteke.", ", opens captions settings dialog": ", oharren ezarpenen leihoa irekitzen du", ", opens subtitles settings dialog": ", azpitituluen ezarpenen leihoa irekitzen du", ", opens descriptions settings dialog": ", deskribapenen ezarpenen leihoa irekitzen du", ", selected": ", aukeratuta", "captions settings": "oharren ezarpenak", "subtitles settings": "azpitituluen ezarpenak", "descriptions settings": "deskribapenen ezarpenak", "Text": "Testua", "White": "Zuria", "Black": "Beltza", "Red": "Gorria", "Green": "Berdea", "Blue": "Urdina", "Yellow": "Horia", "Magenta": "Magenta", "Cyan": "Cyan (urdina)", "Background": "Atzeko planoa", "Window": "Leihoa", "Transparent": "Gardena", "Semi-Transparent": "Erdi-gardena", "Opaque": "Opaku", "Font Size": "Letra-tamaina", "Text Edge Style": "Tesuaren etzen estiloa", "None": "Bat ere ez", "Raised": "Jasoa", "Depressed": "Hondoratua", "Uniform": "Uniformea", "Dropshadow": "Itzalduna", "Font Family": "Letra-tipoa", "Proportional Sans-Serif": "Sans-Serif proportzionala", "Monospace Sans-Serif": "Tarte berdineko Sans-Serif", "Proportional Serif": "Serif proporzionala", "Monospace Serif": "Tarte berdineko Serif", "Casual": "Informala", "Script": "Eskuz idatzitakoa", "Small Caps": "letra xeheak", "Reset": "Berrezarri", "restore all settings to the default values": "berrezarri ezarpen guztiak defektuzko balioetara", "Done": "Eginda", "Caption Settings Dialog": "Oharren ezarpenen leihoa", "Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.": "Leihoaren hasiera. Escapeta teklak leihoa itxi egingo du.", "End of dialog window.": "Leihoaren amaiera.", "{1} is loading.": "{1} kargatzen ari da.", "Exit Picture-in-Picture": "Irten irudiz-irudiztik", "Picture-in-Picture": "Irudiz-irudi" }