1. bloat - A web client for Mastadon Network[1]
  2. Features:
  3. - Does not require JavaScript to display text, images, audio and videos.
  4. Requirements:
  5. - Go 1.11
  6. Building and Installation:
  7. Typing make will build the binary
  8. $ make
  9. Edit the provided config file. See the bloat.conf file for more details.
  10. $ ed bloat.conf
  11. Run the binary
  12. $ ./bloat -f bloat.conf
  13. You can now access the frontend at, which is the default
  14. listen address. See the INSTALL file for more details.
  15. License:
  16. To the extent possible under law, the author have dedicated all copyright and
  17. related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide.
  18. This software is distributed without any warranty.
  19. You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with
  20. this software. If not, see
  21. [1]