About Dashboard FE

Dashboard FE (#DashFE for short) is a web frontend for Mastodon/Pleroma which draws it's inspiration from Tumblr's user dashboard. It prioritizes the presentation of media on the timeline.

Currently a work in progress, #DashFE is under constant development and in constant change. Features and presentation may change or improve over time. If you have any suggestion or bug report please contact the official account at @dashfe@stereophonic.space

The source code of the project is currently being hosted at https://notabug.org/daisuke/DashboardFE

DashFE Key Features:

  • - Emphasis on posts with media attachments
  • - Ability to mark all posts by an user as NSFW
  • - Multi Account

DashFE Project Policies:

  • - Keep things as simple as possible to the user
  • - Keep dependencies on external libraries at a minimum
  • - Keep the user in contol of their data
  • - Empower the user to create a custom fediverse experience

Known issues:

  • Isuess with uploads in some cases.