yep.php 16 KB

  1. <?php
  2. class yep{
  3. public function __construct(){
  4. include "lib/backend.php";
  5. $this->backend = new backend("yep");
  6. include "lib/fuckhtml.php";
  7. $this->fuckhtml = new fuckhtml();
  8. }
  9. public function getfilters($page){
  10. return [
  11. "country" => [
  12. "display" => "Country",
  13. "option" => [
  14. "all" => "All regions",
  15. "af" => "Afghanistan",
  16. "al" => "Albania",
  17. "dz" => "Algeria",
  18. "as" => "American Samoa",
  19. "ad" => "Andorra",
  20. "ao" => "Angola",
  21. "ai" => "Anguilla",
  22. "ag" => "Antigua and Barbuda",
  23. "ar" => "Argentina",
  24. "am" => "Armenia",
  25. "aw" => "Aruba",
  26. "au" => "Australia",
  27. "at" => "Austria",
  28. "az" => "Azerbaijan",
  29. "bs" => "Bahamas",
  30. "bh" => "Bahrain",
  31. "bd" => "Bangladesh",
  32. "bb" => "Barbados",
  33. "by" => "Belarus",
  34. "be" => "Belgium",
  35. "bz" => "Belize",
  36. "bj" => "Benin",
  37. "bt" => "Bhutan",
  38. "bo" => "Bolivia",
  39. "ba" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
  40. "bw" => "Botswana",
  41. "br" => "Brazil",
  42. "bn" => "Brunei Darussalam",
  43. "bg" => "Bulgaria",
  44. "bf" => "Burkina Faso",
  45. "bi" => "Burundi",
  46. "cv" => "Cabo Verde",
  47. "kh" => "Cambodia",
  48. "cm" => "Cameroon",
  49. "ca" => "Canada",
  50. "ky" => "Cayman Islands",
  51. "cf" => "Central African Republic",
  52. "td" => "Chad",
  53. "cl" => "Chile",
  54. "cn" => "China",
  55. "co" => "Colombia",
  56. "cg" => "Congo",
  57. "cd" => "Congo, Democratic Republic",
  58. "ck" => "Cook Islands",
  59. "cr" => "Costa Rica",
  60. "hr" => "Croatia",
  61. "cu" => "Cuba",
  62. "cy" => "Cyprus",
  63. "cz" => "Czechia",
  64. "ci" => "Côte d'Ivoire",
  65. "dk" => "Denmark",
  66. "dj" => "Djibouti",
  67. "dm" => "Dominica",
  68. "do" => "Dominican Republic",
  69. "ec" => "Ecuador",
  70. "eg" => "Egypt",
  71. "sv" => "El Salvador",
  72. "gq" => "Equatorial Guinea",
  73. "ee" => "Estonia",
  74. "et" => "Ethiopia",
  75. "fo" => "Faroe Islands",
  76. "fj" => "Fiji",
  77. "fi" => "Finland",
  78. "fr" => "France",
  79. "gf" => "French Guiana",
  80. "pf" => "French Polynesia",
  81. "ga" => "Gabon",
  82. "gm" => "Gambia",
  83. "ge" => "Georgia",
  84. "de" => "Germany",
  85. "gh" => "Ghana",
  86. "gi" => "Gibraltar",
  87. "gr" => "Greece",
  88. "gl" => "Greenland",
  89. "gd" => "Grenada",
  90. "gp" => "Guadeloupe",
  91. "gu" => "Guam",
  92. "gt" => "Guatemala",
  93. "gg" => "Guernsey",
  94. "gn" => "Guinea",
  95. "gy" => "Guyana",
  96. "ht" => "Haiti",
  97. "hn" => "Honduras",
  98. "hk" => "Hong Kong",
  99. "hu" => "Hungary",
  100. "is" => "Iceland",
  101. "in" => "India",
  102. "id" => "Indonesia",
  103. "iq" => "Iraq",
  104. "ie" => "Ireland",
  105. "im" => "Isle of Man",
  106. "il" => "Israel",
  107. "it" => "Italy",
  108. "jm" => "Jamaica",
  109. "jp" => "Japan",
  110. "je" => "Jersey",
  111. "jo" => "Jordan",
  112. "kz" => "Kazakhstan",
  113. "ke" => "Kenya",
  114. "ki" => "Kiribati",
  115. "kw" => "Kuwait",
  116. "kg" => "Kyrgyzstan",
  117. "la" => "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
  118. "lv" => "Latvia",
  119. "lb" => "Lebanon",
  120. "ls" => "Lesotho",
  121. "ly" => "Libya",
  122. "li" => "Liechtenstein",
  123. "lt" => "Lithuania",
  124. "lu" => "Luxembourg",
  125. "mk" => "Macedonia",
  126. "mg" => "Madagascar",
  127. "mw" => "Malawi",
  128. "my" => "Malaysia",
  129. "mv" => "Maldives",
  130. "ml" => "Mali",
  131. "mt" => "Malta",
  132. "mq" => "Martinique",
  133. "mr" => "Mauritania",
  134. "mu" => "Mauritius",
  135. "yt" => "Mayotte",
  136. "mx" => "Mexico",
  137. "fm" => "Micronesia, Federated States of",
  138. "md" => "Moldova",
  139. "mc" => "Monaco",
  140. "mn" => "Mongolia",
  141. "me" => "Montenegro",
  142. "ms" => "Montserrat",
  143. "ma" => "Morocco",
  144. "mz" => "Mozambique",
  145. "mm" => "Myanmar",
  146. "na" => "Namibia",
  147. "nr" => "Nauru",
  148. "np" => "Nepal",
  149. "nl" => "Netherlands",
  150. "nc" => "New Caledonia",
  151. "nz" => "New Zealand",
  152. "ni" => "Nicaragua",
  153. "ne" => "Niger",
  154. "ng" => "Nigeria",
  155. "nu" => "Niue",
  156. "no" => "Norway",
  157. "om" => "Oman",
  158. "pk" => "Pakistan",
  159. "ps" => "Palestine, State of",
  160. "pa" => "Panama",
  161. "pg" => "Papua New Guinea",
  162. "py" => "Paraguay",
  163. "pe" => "Peru",
  164. "ph" => "Philippines",
  165. "pn" => "Pitcairn",
  166. "pl" => "Poland",
  167. "pt" => "Portugal",
  168. "pr" => "Puerto Rico",
  169. "qa" => "Qatar",
  170. "ro" => "Romania",
  171. "ru" => "Russian Federation",
  172. "rw" => "Rwanda",
  173. "re" => "Réunion",
  174. "sh" => "Saint Helena",
  175. "kn" => "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
  176. "lc" => "Saint Lucia",
  177. "vc" => "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
  178. "ws" => "Samoa",
  179. "sm" => "San Marino",
  180. "st" => "Sao Tome and Principe",
  181. "sa" => "Saudi Arabia",
  182. "sn" => "Senegal",
  183. "rs" => "Serbia",
  184. "sc" => "Seychelles",
  185. "sl" => "Sierra Leone",
  186. "sg" => "Singapore",
  187. "sk" => "Slovakia",
  188. "si" => "Slovenia",
  189. "sb" => "Solomon Islands",
  190. "so" => "Somalia",
  191. "kr" => "Sourth Korea",
  192. "za" => "South Africa",
  193. "es" => "Spain",
  194. "lk" => "Sri Lanka",
  195. "sr" => "Suriname",
  196. "se" => "Sweden",
  197. "ch" => "Switzerland",
  198. "tw" => "Taiwan",
  199. "tj" => "Tajikistan",
  200. "tz" => "Tanzania",
  201. "th" => "Thailand",
  202. "tl" => "Timor-Leste",
  203. "tg" => "Togo",
  204. "tk" => "Tokelau",
  205. "to" => "Tonga",
  206. "tt" => "Trinidad and Tobago",
  207. "tn" => "Tunisia",
  208. "tr" => "Turkey",
  209. "tm" => "Turkmenistan",
  210. "ug" => "Uganda",
  211. "ua" => "Ukraine",
  212. "ae" => "United Arab Emirates",
  213. "gb" => "United Kingdom",
  214. "us" => "United States",
  215. "uy" => "Uruguay",
  216. "uz" => "Uzbekistan",
  217. "vu" => "Vanuatu",
  218. "ve" => "Venezuela",
  219. "vn" => "Vietnam",
  220. "vg" => "Virgin Islands, British",
  221. "vi" => "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
  222. "ye" => "Yemen",
  223. "zm" => "Zambia",
  224. "zw" => "Zimbabwe"
  225. ]
  226. ],
  227. "nsfw" => [
  228. "display" => "NSFW",
  229. "option" => [
  230. "yes" => "Yes",
  231. "maybe" => "Maybe",
  232. "no" => "No"
  233. ]
  234. ]
  235. ];
  236. }
  237. private function get($proxy, $url, $get = []){
  238. $curlproc = curl_init();
  239. if($get !== []){
  240. $get = http_build_query($get);
  241. $url .= "?" . $get;
  242. }
  243. curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  244. // use http2
  245. curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0);
  246. // set ciphers
  247. curl_setopt(
  248. $curlproc,
  250. "aes_128_gcm_sha_256,chacha20_poly1305_sha_256,aes_256_gcm_sha_384,ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_128_gcm_sha_256,ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha_256,ecdhe_ecdsa_chacha20_poly1305_sha_256,ecdhe_rsa_chacha20_poly1305_sha_256,ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_256_gcm_sha_384,ecdhe_rsa_aes_256_gcm_sha_384,ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_256_sha,ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_128_sha,ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_sha,ecdhe_rsa_aes_256_sha,rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha_256,rsa_aes_256_gcm_sha_384,rsa_aes_128_sha,rsa_aes_256_sha"
  251. );
  252. curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); // default encoding
  253. curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
  254. ["User-Agent: " . config::USER_AGENT,
  255. "Accept: */*",
  256. "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5",
  257. "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd",
  258. "Referer:",
  259. "Origin:",
  260. "DNT: 1",
  261. "Connection: keep-alive",
  262. "Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty",
  263. "Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors",
  264. "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site",
  265. "Priority: u=4",
  266. "TE: trailers"]
  267. );
  268. curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  269. curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
  270. curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
  271. curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
  272. curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
  273. $this->backend->assign_proxy($curlproc, $proxy);
  274. $data = curl_exec($curlproc);
  275. if(curl_errno($curlproc)){
  276. throw new Exception(curl_error($curlproc));
  277. }
  278. curl_close($curlproc);
  279. return $data;
  280. }
  281. public function web($get){
  282. $search = $get["s"];
  283. if(strlen($search) === 0){
  284. throw new Exception("Search term is empty!");
  285. }
  286. $country = $get["country"];
  287. $nsfw = $get["nsfw"];
  288. switch($nsfw){
  289. case "yes": $nsfw = "off"; break;
  290. case "maybe": $nsfw = "moderate"; break;
  291. case "no": $nsfw = "strict"; break;
  292. }
  293. $out = [
  294. "status" => "ok",
  295. "spelling" => [
  296. "type" => "no_correction",
  297. "using" => null,
  298. "correction" => null
  299. ],
  300. "npt" => null,
  301. "answer" => [],
  302. "web" => [],
  303. "image" => [],
  304. "video" => [],
  305. "news" => [],
  306. "related" => []
  307. ];
  308. try{
  309. //
  310. $json =
  311. $this->get(
  312. $this->backend->get_ip(),
  313. "",
  314. [
  315. "client" => "web",
  316. "gl" => $country == "all" ? $country : strtoupper($country),
  317. "limit" => "99999",
  318. "no_correct" => "false",
  319. "q" => $search,
  320. "safeSearch" => $nsfw,
  321. "type" => "web"
  322. ]
  323. );
  324. }catch(Exception $error){
  325. throw new Exception("Failed to fetch JSON");
  326. }
  327. $this->detect_cf($json);
  328. $json = json_decode($json, true);
  329. //$json = json_decode(file_get_contents("scraper/yep.json"), true);
  330. if($json === null){
  331. throw new Exception("Failed to decode JSON");
  332. }
  333. if(isset($json[1]["correction"])){
  334. $out["spelling"] = [
  335. "type" => "not_many",
  336. "using" => $search,
  337. "correction" => $json[1]["correction"][1]
  338. ];
  339. }
  340. if(isset($json[1]["results"])){
  341. foreach($json[1]["results"] as $item){
  342. switch(strtolower($item["type"])){
  343. case "organic":
  344. $sublinks = [];
  345. if(isset($item["sitelinks"]["full"])){
  346. foreach($item["sitelinks"]["full"] as $link){
  347. $sublinks[] = [
  348. "title" => $link["title"],
  349. "date" => null,
  350. "description" =>
  351. $this->titledots(
  352. strip_tags(
  353. html_entity_decode(
  354. $link["snippet"]
  355. )
  356. )
  357. ),
  358. "url" => $link["url"]
  359. ];
  360. }
  361. }
  362. $out["web"][] = [
  363. "title" => $item["title"],
  364. "description" =>
  365. $this->titledots(
  366. strip_tags(
  367. html_entity_decode(
  368. $item["snippet"]
  369. )
  370. )
  371. ),
  372. "url" => $item["url"],
  373. "date" => strtotime($item["first_seen"]),
  374. "type" => "web",
  375. "thumb" => [
  376. "url" => null,
  377. "ratio" => null
  378. ],
  379. "sublink" => $sublinks,
  380. "table" => []
  381. ];
  382. break;
  383. }
  384. }
  385. }
  386. if(isset($json[1]["featured_news"])){
  387. foreach($json[1]["featured_news"] as $news){
  388. $out["news"][] = [
  389. "title" => $news["title"],
  390. "description" =>
  391. $this->titledots(
  392. strip_tags(
  393. html_entity_decode(
  394. $news["snippet"]
  395. )
  396. )
  397. ),
  398. "date" => strtotime($news["first_seen"]),
  399. "thumb" =>
  400. isset($news["img"]) ?
  401. [
  402. "url" => $this->unshiturl($news["img"]),
  403. "ratio" => "16:9"
  404. ] :
  405. [
  406. "url" => null,
  407. "ratio" => null
  408. ],
  409. "url" => $news["url"]
  410. ];
  411. }
  412. }
  413. if(isset($json[1]["featured_images"])){
  414. foreach($json[1]["featured_images"] as $image){
  415. if(
  416. $image["width"] !== 0 &&
  417. $image["height"] !== 0
  418. ){
  419. $thumb_width = $image["width"] >= 260 ? 260 : $image["width"];
  420. $thumb_height = ceil($image["height"] * ($thumb_width / $image["width"]));
  421. $width = $image["width"];
  422. $height = $image["height"];
  423. }else{
  424. $thumb_width = null;
  425. $thumb_height = null;
  426. $width = null;
  427. $height = null;
  428. }
  429. $out["image"][] = [
  430. "title" => $image["title"],
  431. "source" => [
  432. [
  433. "url" => $image["image_id"],
  434. "width" => $width,
  435. "height" => $height
  436. ],
  437. [
  438. "url" => $image["src"],
  439. "width" => $thumb_width,
  440. "height" => $thumb_height
  441. ]
  442. ],
  443. "url" => $image["host_page"]
  444. ];
  445. }
  446. }
  447. return $out;
  448. }
  449. public function image($get){
  450. $search = $get["s"];
  451. if(strlen($search) === 0){
  452. throw new Exception("Search term is empty!");
  453. }
  454. $country = $get["country"];
  455. $nsfw = $get["nsfw"];
  456. switch($nsfw){
  457. case "yes": $nsfw = "off"; break;
  458. case "maybe": $nsfw = "moderate"; break;
  459. case "no": $nsfw = "strict"; break;
  460. }
  461. $out = [
  462. "status" => "ok",
  463. "npt" => null,
  464. "image" => []
  465. ];
  466. try{
  467. $json =
  468. $this->get(
  469. $this->backend->get_ip(), // no nextpage!
  470. "",
  471. [
  472. "client" => "web",
  473. "gl" => $country == "all" ? $country : strtoupper($country),
  474. "no_correct" => "false",
  475. "q" => $search,
  476. "safeSearch" => $nsfw,
  477. "type" => "images"
  478. ]
  479. );
  480. }catch(Exception $error){
  481. throw new Exception("Failed to fetch JSON");
  482. }
  483. $this->detect_cf($json);
  484. $json = json_decode($json, true);
  485. if($json === null){
  486. throw new Exception("Failed to decode JSON");
  487. }
  488. if(isset($json[1]["results"])){
  489. foreach($json[1]["results"] as $item){
  490. if(
  491. $item["width"] !== 0 &&
  492. $item["height"] !== 0
  493. ){
  494. $thumb_width = $item["width"] >= 260 ? 260 : $item["width"];
  495. $thumb_height = ceil($item["height"] * ($thumb_width / $item["width"]));
  496. $width = $item["width"];
  497. $height = $item["height"];
  498. }else{
  499. $thumb_width = null;
  500. $thumb_height = null;
  501. $width = null;
  502. $height = null;
  503. }
  504. $out["image"][] = [
  505. "title" => $item["title"],
  506. "source" => [
  507. [
  508. "url" => $item["image_id"],
  509. "width" => $width,
  510. "height" => $height
  511. ],
  512. [
  513. "url" => $item["src"],
  514. "width" => $thumb_width,
  515. "height" => $thumb_height
  516. ]
  517. ],
  518. "url" => $item["host_page"]
  519. ];
  520. }
  521. }
  522. return $out;
  523. }
  524. public function news($get){
  525. $search = $get["s"];
  526. if(strlen($search) === 0){
  527. throw new Exception("Search term is empty!");
  528. }
  529. $country = $get["country"];
  530. $nsfw = $get["nsfw"];
  531. switch($nsfw){
  532. case "yes": $nsfw = "off"; break;
  533. case "maybe": $nsfw = "moderate"; break;
  534. case "no": $nsfw = "strict"; break;
  535. }
  536. $out = [
  537. "status" => "ok",
  538. "npt" => null,
  539. "news" => []
  540. ];
  541. try{
  542. //
  543. $json =
  544. $this->get(
  545. $this->backend->get_ip(),
  546. "",
  547. [
  548. "client" => "web",
  549. "gl" => $country == "all" ? $country : strtoupper($country),
  550. "limit" => "99999",
  551. "no_correct" => "false",
  552. "q" => $search,
  553. "safeSearch" => $nsfw,
  554. "type" => "news"
  555. ]
  556. );
  557. }catch(Exception $error){
  558. throw new Exception("Failed to fetch JSON");
  559. }
  560. $this->detect_cf($json);
  561. $json = json_decode($json, true);
  562. //$json = json_decode(file_get_contents("scraper/yep.json"), true);
  563. if($json === null){
  564. throw new Exception("Failed to decode JSON");
  565. }
  566. if(isset($json[1]["results"])){
  567. foreach($json[1]["results"] as $item){
  568. $out["news"][] = [
  569. "title" => $item["title"],
  570. "author" => null,
  571. "description" =>
  572. $this->titledots(
  573. strip_tags(
  574. html_entity_decode(
  575. $item["snippet"]
  576. )
  577. )
  578. ),
  579. "date" => strtotime($item["first_seen"]),
  580. "thumb" =>
  581. isset($item["img"]) ?
  582. [
  583. "url" => $this->unshiturl($item["img"]),
  584. "ratio" => "16:9"
  585. ] :
  586. [
  587. "url" => null,
  588. "ratio" => null
  589. ],
  590. "url" => $item["url"]
  591. ];
  592. }
  593. }
  594. return $out;
  595. }
  596. private function detect_cf($payload){
  597. // detect cloudflare page
  598. $this->fuckhtml->load($payload);
  599. if(
  600. count(
  601. $this->fuckhtml
  602. ->getElementsByClassName(
  603. "cf-wrapper",
  604. "div"
  605. )
  606. ) !== 0
  607. ){
  608. throw new Exception("Blocked by Cloudflare. Please follow curl-impersonate installation instructions");
  609. }
  610. }
  611. private function titledots($title){
  612. $substr = substr($title, -4);
  613. if(
  614. strpos($substr, "...") !== false ||
  615. strpos($substr, "…") !== false
  616. ){
  617. return trim(substr($title, 0, -4));
  618. }
  619. return trim($title);
  620. }
  621. private function unshiturl($url){
  622. $newurl = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
  623. parse_str($newurl, $newurl);
  624. if(isset($newurl["url"])){
  625. return $newurl["url"];
  626. }
  627. return $url;
  628. }
  629. }